Special Edition on Invertebrate Memory
We have edited a special issue on the topic "Invertebrate brains as model systems for learning, memory, and recall: development, anatomy and function of memory systems" in the journal Frontiers in Physiology.EMBO workshop
Gaia Tavosanis co-organizes an EMBO workshop on the tpic "Cell Biology of the Nervous System" in Heraklion.Here is a link to the program!

Special issue on mushroom bodies in the journal Learning & Memory
We are happy that the journal Learning & Memory edited a special issue on "mushroom bodies". Many members of our research unit have contributed with original studies or review articles.Here is a link to the content!

Presentation of our research for everyone: dasGehirn.info!
The rationale behind our research is presented in joint collaboration with dasGehirn.info in a way that everyone can understand. Unfortunately, this webpage exists only in German language so far. Why studyng fly brains?, Learning with a brain at the size of a pinhead or The fly brain in a computer are some topics that are presented intelligible to all.Here a great video explaining the usefulness of Drosophila and inteviews (in German) with some of our researchers!
Many thanks to dasGehirn.info for the great collaboration!

International "Mushroom Body Meeting 2023" in Göttingen

International "Mushroom Body Meeting 2023" in Göttingen
More than 150 researchers from all over the world joined at our conference "Mushroom Body Meeting 2023" that took place from May 30 until June 1, 2023, in Göttingen. 30. We are most grateful to all participants for their inspiring talks, posters and discussions.Research Unit Retreat in Bad Saarow
From the 25th until the 28th of April we came together for our annual retreat in idyllic Bad Saarow. We are most grateful to two guest speakers, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Timmann-Braun and Prof. Dr. Melanie Mark, who gave great presentations on the structure and function of the cerebellum in comparison with the mushrooom body.New funding period awarded!
We are happy to announce that the Gernan Research Council has evaluated our work as successful and granted a second funding period from 2022 on. On board are from now on David Owald and his team, and Oren Schuldiner and his team. In addition, associated are the young group leaders Annekathrin Widmann and Lisa Scheuneman.We are grateful to the external reviewers and the German Research Council for their great support! We also thank the University of Göttingen for making this endeavour possible. Please find the press release from the University of Göttingen here.

We are happy to announce the international Mushroom Body Meeting 2021, that is organized by Martin Nawrot and Gaia Tavosanis and that will take place online from May 31 until June 2, 2021. A large number of great speakers have confirmed their participation. We are looking forwrad to stimulating discussions.
Ilona Grunwald Kadow gave a talk during the meeting "Women of TUM Talks". The forum offers women in science a stage and makes role models visible. This encourages to follow own goals. The talk and the discussion session are online on Youtube!
The restrictions that come with the Covid-19 pandemic affect our interactions, too. An online seminar series is an excellent solution to maintain collaborations.
Martin Nawrot's lab offers for all of our graduate students a course in modelling of neuronal networks. Biologists learn Computational Neuroscience!

Those who want to learn more about Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow's exciting research on the brain of Drosophila will find this article interesting.
Many thanks to Ilona Grunwald Kadow for organizing a great and productive PI retreat in picturesque castle Hohenkammer!

A hands-on practical course on Drosophila Neurobiology is provided for computational neuroscientists in the Fiala lab in Göttingen from October 7-10, 2019.
Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow will be a plenary speaker at the 18th European Drosophila Neurobiology Conference - Neurofly 2020, taking place September 1-4, 2020, in Toledo, Spain.
Prof. Gaia Tavosanis chaired a session at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting "Neurobiology of Drosophila", October 1 - 5, 2019.
Our Research Unit retreat took place from May 2 to 5, 2019, in Teistungenburg in Eichsfeld. We thank all participants for the stimulating and lively discussions!

From April 1-19, Prof. Martin Paul Nawrot co-organizes the 3rd G-Node "Advanced Neural Data Analysis Course" (ANDA 2019) that provides hand-on training for PhD students and postdocs in state-of-the-art techniques for analyzing neuronal population data. The faculty comprises international experts in the theoretical and experimental neurosciences. Co-organizers are Prof. Dr. Sonja Grün (FZ Jülich), Prof. Dr. Thomas Wachtler (LMU München), Prof. Dr. Yifat Prut (Hebrew University, Jerusalem).
Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow organizes together with Dr. Giorgio F. Gilestro (Imperial College London) at the meeting "26th European Drosophila Research Conference" in Lausanne (5.-8. September 2019) the workshop "How context and internal state shape behaviour". Speakers are Dr. David Owald, Dr. Anne von Philipsborn, Dr. Sophie Aimon and Dr. Pierre-Yves Placais.
Prof. Gaia Tavosanis organizes at the conference "Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2019", taking place on October 19-23 in Chicago, a symposium entitled "Circuit Variability and Plasticity in the Central Nervous System of Drosophila". Speakers are Prof. Bassem Hassan, Prof. Alicia Hidalgo, Dr. Quan Yuan and Prof. Gaia Tavosanis.
On the 21st of March, 2019, we organize a symposium at the Annual Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society in Göttingen with the topic: ""Dissection of a central brain circuit: structure, plasticity and functions of the Drosophila mushroom body". Our guest speakers are Prof. Barbara Webb (University of Edinburgh), Dr. Lisa Scheunemann (ESPCI Paris), Dr. Yoshinori Aso (HHMI Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn), Nino Mancini (Leibniz-Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg) and Radostina Lyutova (University of Würzburg). We are looking forward to exciting talks and discussions.
We would like to advertise the Womens' Career and Network Symposium, taking place on March 18-19, 2019, at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen.