Events Here you can find all upcoming and past events of the Centre for Global Migration Studies. > CeMig Lecture Series Summer Term 2019 Upcoming Events Film screening:Caravan (19.03.2025) Online-Lecture Series „Border Regimes on the Move - On the Reorganization of Europe, Migration and Labor Ten Years after the Summer of Migration“ (March - November 2025) SUMMER TERM 2025 Past Events WINTER TERM 2024/2025 Lecture Series: "Public Health and Migration" (November - December 2024) Film-Screening "Dreyfus Drei" (20.11.2024) Public talk: "Russia's Invasion of Ukraine" by Assoc. Prof. Medea Badashvili (25.11.2024) 12th Migration Research Lab: “Gender and Migration: Current Research Perspectives” (25.11.2024) SUMMER TERM 2024 Lesung: Blumen und Brandsätze. Eine deutsche Geschichte 1989 - 2023 (11.06.2024) Panel discussion: European migration policy in the shadow of the European elections (13.05.2024) Lecture Series: Perspectives on Socio-Legal Approaches in Migration Studies (April - May 2024) Project: Urban Lab: Ways to a colonial-critical city WINTER TERM 2023/24 Workshop: German Return Policy and the German Deportation Regime Lecture Series: "Public Health and Migration" (November - December 2023/24) ENLIGHT Summer School für Dokotorand:innen: “EU border regime(s) and the shrinking spaces of solidarity (19.-22.9.2023) KeyNote Lecture: Combat Breathing (19.09.2023) Film screening: Sara Mardini - Gegen den Strom (21.09.2023) SUMMER TERM 2022 Lecture Series: "Public Health and Migration" (November - January 2022/23) Film Screening: Songs of Abdul (04.07.2023) 11th Migration Research Lab: “Cultural Diversity,” “Minorities” and “Integration” as Categories of Practice and Analysis in Countries with a Soviet Past” (29.06.2023) Dialogue event: Urban Lab – Paths towards a colonial-critical city (15.06.2023) 10th Migration Research Lab: “Transnational Perspectives on the Research on Labour Migration” (02.05.2023) Lecture: "Dreams of Development" (04.05.2023) Winter term 2022/23 Public Lecture: "Reclaiming Life: The poetics and politics of streets in Iran" von Prof. Dr. Shahram Khosravi (20.01.2023) Lecture Series: "Public Health and Migration" (November - January 2022/23) 9th Migration Research Lab: “Displacement, Expulsion and Deportation” (19.01.2023) Lecture series: "Climate Change and Migration" (November - January 2022/23) Lecture at the CEMIS Colloquium: National Borders among Families: Detection, Detention and Deportability in India (11.01.2023) Lesung: Seenotrettung als Graphic Novel: "Der Sommer auf dem Mittelmeer": Seenotrettung als Graphic Novel (Literarisches Zentrum, 10.11.2022) Third Annual Lecture in European Ethnology - Cultural Anthropological Perspectives on Europe: "With a view to temporary stay." An ethnological perspective on Europe’s politics of exception after the "return turn" (16.11.2022) 7th Migration Research Lab: “Researching the politics of deterrence in practice” (16.11.2022) 8th Migration Research Lab: “Ethnography as guesthood, or doing research in (semi)domestic spaces: prospects, dilemmas and lessons learnt from HOMInG's fieldwork” (17.11.2022) SUMMER TERM 2022 6th Migration Research Lab: “Health, structural inequality and racism: taking stock of data (collection)” (14.07.2022) Online book lecture (in German): "Solidarität – Kooperation – Konflikt, Migrantische Organisierungen und Gewerkschaften in den 1970/80er Jahren" (11.07.2022) Migration and Health: Panel discussion of the Centre for Global Migration Studies (in German). 5th night of knowledge, (09.07.2022) Lecture series: "Public Health and Migration" (May - June 2022) Workshop: "Socio-Legal Perspectives in Migration Research: Potentials and Challenges" (Invitation only), (09.05.2022) Online lecture: "Peripheral Contingencies: Examining the Experiences of International Scholars in Latvia" by Ieva Puzo (06.05.2022) Lecture: "Displaced Futures: Precarious Lives in Iran", online via Zoom (29.04.2022) WINTER TERM 2021/22 Public presentation: „Zwischen den Fronten: Zur Lage der Geflüchteten im polnisch-belarussischen Grenzgebiet” Online Lecture Series: "Critical Reflections on Afro-European Relations in Migration Governance" (September - November 2021) 5th CeMig Migration Research Lab: "(Im)mobilities, Human Rights and Climate Justice" - with Carol Farbotko and Monika Mayrhofer (15.10.2021) Open Plenary Session "Migration and Security Policy: African and EU Perspectives" as Part of the 17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network (12.10.2021) Summer Term 2021 Annual Lecture of Anthropology: "‘How Did it Come to This?’ Britain, Brexit and Euroscepticism from an Anthropological Perspective" as part of the Conference "Border Narratives - Brexit, Europe, and the UK" (05.05.2021) Event Series in the Context of Hostile Terrain 94 (04. - 18.03.2021) Workshop: Beyond Victimhood and Stigmatization: Trauma, Ruptured Memories and Agency in the Context of Global Migration (04. - 05.03.2021) Public Roundtable: Trauma in the Context of Global Migration – Opening up an Analytical Field (04.03.2021) Winter Term 2020/21 Colloquium: CeMig Research Colloquium Winter Term 2020/21 4th CeMig Migration Research Lab: "Socio-Legal Perspectives on Borders" - in cooperation with the Department of Ethics, Law and Politics of the MPI-MMG (22.01.2021) 3rd CeMig Migration Research Lab: "A Postcolonial Critique of Migration and Border Studies" - with Leslie-Gross Wyrtzen (17.12.2020) Public Lecture: From One Crisis to the Next: Could the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Contribute to Govern Migration Better? (20.01.2021) Online Conference: Migration and Work: Transdisciplinary Perspectives and Current Research Results (03. - 04.12.2020) (in German) Summer Term 2020 Online-Seminar Series: Global Migration in the Shadow of Corona: Current Implications and Developments Winter Term 2019/20 Podiumsdiskussion: Zu Wort melden?! Zur Rolle von MigrationswissenschaftlerInnen in der öffentlichen Debatte (09.01.2020) Book Launch: Globalization and the Rise of Mass Education (03.12.2019) Workshop: AHN Kickoff Workshop “Intersections of Humanitarianism” (01.-03.11.2019) Project: Urban Lab: Migration Moves Göttingen Summer Term 2019 Project: Urban Lab: Migration Moves Göttingen Lecture Series: CeMig Lecture Series Summer Term 2019 Exhibition: "Omid - Hoffnung" Winter Term 2018/19 2nd CeMig Migration Research Lab: "Critical Migration Studies and Post-Colonial Enquiries in Europe and South-Asia" (31.01.2019) Exhibition and Roundtable: CeMig at the 4th Night of Science (26.01.2019) Summer Term 2018 1st CeMig Migration Research Lab: "Critical Migration Studies and the Current Border Regimes" (12.12.2018) Lecture Series: CeMig Lecture Series in the winter term 2018/19 Conference: CeMig Opening Conference: "Migration as a Global Challenge"