10. Phone number *
11. Skype name (for a possible interview)
12. Education
In addition to the information below, please send PDF copies of your diplomas and transcripts to lipit.admissions@uni-goettingen.de . If you are still studying, please provide a transcript of courses that you have taken by now (with grades) and let us know when you expect to receive your diploma.
If your diplomas and transcripts are not in English or German, you will need to provide also their English translations. However, you may first send us your diplomas and transcripts without English translations if they are in one of the following languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish or Ukrainian. In that case, you will be asked to provide the translations later if your application passes the initial selection stage.
12.1. First academic degree
Degree *
Subject *
Institution *
From – to (month and year) *
Study mode *
Average grade (GPA, CGPA, etc.) *
Grading scale (e.g., 1 to 5 or 1 to 100) *
Estimated class rank *
Class size *
Precise class rank if known (e.g., 12th out of 140 students)
12.2. Second higher education
Have you graduated from or studied in any other program of higher education? *
From – to (month and year)
Study mode
Average grade (GPA, CGPA, etc.)
Grading scale (e.g., 1 to 5 or 1 to 100)
Estimated class rank
Class size
Precise class rank if known (e.g., 12th out of 140 students)
12.3. Third higher education
Besides the above-mentioned, do you have or are you pursuing any other academic degree? *
Degree or certificate
From – to (month and year)
Study mode
Average grade (GPA, CGPA, etc.)
Grading scale (e.g., 1 to 5 or 1 to 100)
Estimated class rank
Class size
Precise class rank if known (e.g., 12th out of 140 students)
12.4 Other education
Have you completed or are you taking any other course of education or training? *
Degree or certificate
From – to (month and year)
Study mode
Average grade (GPA, CGPA, etc.)
Grading scale (e.g., 1 to 5 or 1 to 100)
Estimated class rank
Class size
Precise class rank if known (e.g., 12th out of 140 students)
12.5 Additional education
If you would like to add some other degrees or courses, please include them in your CV and send us the corresponding certificates.
13. Employment (including internships and traineeships)
13.1. How much professional experience do you have (including internships and traineeships)? *
13.2. How much professional experience do you have in the positions related to law? *
13.3. How much professional experience do you have in the fields related to IP or IT law? *
13.4. Details of your most recent position
Main tasks
From – to (month and year)
13.5. Any other position related to law
Main tasks
From – to (month and year)
13.6. Any other position
Main tasks
From – to (month and year)
13.7. Additional experience
If you would like to add more information about your professional experience, please include it in your CV.
14. Native language *
15. English language skills
15.1. Listening *
15.2. Reading *
15.3. Writing *
15.4. Speaking *
16. If you have passed a standardized English language test, e.g. TOEFL or IELTS, please indicate your test score (and send us a PDF copy of your test certificate) *
17. Are you planning to take a standardized English test before the beginning of the academic year in October?
17.1. If so, when?
18. Do you believe that you should be exempted from the requirement to submit a standardized English test certificate? *
18.1. If so, please provide the reason (e.g., “English is the sole language of instruction at XYZ University, where I earned my bachelor’s degree”)
19. Which other languages do you know? (Please specify your proficiency level for each language)
20. Tuition waivers
Tuition waivers are awarded based both on merits and financial need. Therefore, if you would like your financial need to be taken into account, you are welcome to send us a brief description of your financial situation (in a few sentences). In addition, it might be helpful to send us some relevant documents (e.g., documents confirming your income or your welfare recipient status). If you do not have such documents at the time of application, you can send them to us later.
20.1. Would you like to be considered for a full tuition waiver? *
20.2. Would you still be interested in joining the LL.M. Program if you are not awarded the full tuition waiver? *
20.3. Would you like to be considered for a partial tuition waiver (usually 30% to 50% of the standard tuition fee, but other amounts are also possible)? *
20.4. Would you still be interested in joining the LL.M. Program if you are not awarded the partial tuition waiver? *
21. Are you applying for any scholarships that can help you finance your tuition and living expenses? *
21.1. If so, please specify which scholarships you are applying for
22. Are you applying for admission to any other master’s programs? *
22.1. If so, please specify (e.g., ABC Program at XYZ University)
23. Have you ever graduated from or studied in an LL.M. program with a similar specialization, i.e. European and/or Transnational IP and/or IT Law? *
23.1. If so, please specify
* Mandatory field