The Meyer Group

Welcome to the Meyer Group!

        Many natural enzymes contain metal ions within their active sites, and such bioinorganic systems provide inspiration for the design of new types of catalysts for small molecule activation, and for substrate transformations relevant to sustainable energy scenarios. Research in our group contributes to understanding the functional principles of metalloenzymes, specifically through the characterization of reactive intermediates. Based on mechanistic insight, new bioinspired metal catalysts are developed, including electro- and photocatalytic systems. While synthesis is the cornerstone of most of our research, we apply a wide range of the state-of-art analytic and spectroscopic tools to address specific scientific questions, as well as for handling highly air-sensitive compounds.

(390) From a P-Bridging Phosphaketene to μ-Phosphinidenide and μ-Diphosphaurea Units at a Dinickel Core R. A. Schulz, U. S. Karaca, M. Diefenbach, N. J. A. Werthmann, S. Dechert, M. M. Hansmann, M. C. Holthausen, F. Meyer Chem. Eur. J. 2025, 31, e202404095

(389) Intramolecular Agostic Interactions and Dynamics of a Methyl Group at a Preorganized Dinickel(II) Site T. Kothe, M. Diefenbach, V. Tagliavini, S. Dechert, V. Krewald, F. Meyer Inorg. Chem. 2025, 64, 1219−1227

(388) Structural Snapshots, Trajectory and Thermodynamics of the Reversible μ-1,2-Peroxo/μ-1,1-Hydroperoxo Dicopper(II) Interconversion C.-J. Spyra, D. Hiller, K. A. Eisenlohr, S. Dechert, S. Demeshko, D. Bhattacharya, J. Lücken, M. C. Holthausen, F. Meyer Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2025, 64, e202416022

(387) Synthesis and Semi-Synthesis of Alpha-Synuclein: Insight into the Chemical Complexity of Synucleinopathies L. M. Gatzemeier, F. Meyer, T. F. Outeiro ChemBioChem 2024, 25, e202400253

(386) Exploring the impact of abnormal coordination in macrocyclic N-heterocyclic carbene ligands on bio-inspired iron epoxidation catalysis G. G. Zámbó, C. A. Esslinger, M. J. Sauer, I. Rüter, R. M. Reich, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer, F. E. Kühn Catal. Sci. Technol. 2024, 14, 6259–6269

(385) Isostructural Series of a Cyclometalated Iron Complex in Three Oxidation States JJ. Steube, L. Fritsch, A. Kruse, O. S. Bokareva, S. Demeshko, H. Elgabarty, R. Schoch, M. Alaraby, H. Egold, B. Bracht, L. Schmitz, S. Hohloch, T. D. Kühne, F. Meyer, O. Kühn, S. Lochbrunner, M. Bauer Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 16964−16980