I. Physikalisches Institut
Prof. Dr. S. Mathias
Our research focuses on ultrafast electronic, magnetic and structural dynamics in quantum materials and the development of new experimental methods to study these processes. In particular, we combine the advantages of ultrashort X-rays from high-harmonic generation with ultrafast solid-state research and explore dynamics at fundamental time- and lengthscales, where all elementary processes can be captured, even at the level of electrons. Current topics involve the study of electronic properties and dynamics in correlated-electron materials, at surfaces and interfaces, in nanostructures and metal-adsorbate hybrid systems.
Prof. Dr. T. Weitz
We investigate the fundamental electronic properties of novel nanoscopic systems such as 2D-materials (graphene etc.) and organic semiconductors. These materials are a versatile playground to study basic quantum phenomena and are of interest for energy harvesting and large-area flexible electronics. We study their properties via a combination of electrical and optical investigations.
Prof. Dr. V. Moshnyaga
![AG Moshnyaga](/storage/pictures/5ee47bad4622b540a37199250ba750fd.jpg)
Research is focused on electronic correlations in oxide thin films and their nanoscale control by tuning the film architecture, dimensionality and interface design. Novel thin film growth approaches, based on in-situ optical atomic layer growth control within Metalorganic Aerosol Deposition (MAD), have been developed. Raman, Tip- and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy are used to monitor electron-lattice correlations by phase transitions, driven by temperature, electric and magnetic field as well as by light.