Faculty of Physics
Faculty of Physics
News from the faculty

Quantum Science & Networking Event
The Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Research Unit FOR 5522 will host a two-day workshop on May 5 and 6, 2025. This workshop will feature several scientific talks on a broad range of contemporary quantum physics research from renowned female researchers. Moreover, there will be an introduction into the international Women for Quantum Initiative presented by one of their members, Prof. Sanpera from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Early career researchers will have an opportunity to meet and network with external senior female scientists as well as with colleagues from the Göttingen Campus. All participants are encouraged to present a poster on their research and all physics topics are welcome. More information is available on the event webpage, we invite all interested persons from the Göttingen Campus to register here.

International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025
In 1925, Werner Heisenberg, then assistant to Max Born at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, published his groundbreaking work "On the quantum theoretical reinterpretation of kinematic and mechanical relationships". This moment is considered the birth of quantum mechanics and to mark the occasion, the United Nations proclaimed 2025 as the "International Year of Quantum Science and Technology". A series of events in this context will therefore take place next year at the birthplace of Göttingen, including a special exhibition in the Forum Wissen, the DPG spring meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section and a DPG autumn meeting of all sections on the quantum year.

A look into the dark
An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has discovered extremely strong winds on the exoplanet “WASP-127b”. The winds along the equator of this planet can reach speeds of up to 33,000 kilometres per hour. These results help better understand the atmosphere of planets outside our solar system. How can the latest technology, such as solar cells, be improved? An international research team led by the University of Göttingen is helping to find answers to questions like this with a new technique. For the first time, the formation of tiny, difficult-to-detect particles – known as dark excitons – can be tracked precisely in time and space. These invisible carriers of energy will play a key role in future solar cells, LEDs and detectors. The results were published in Nature Photonics.

Glimpse of the weather of a world far away
An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has discovered extremely strong winds on the exoplanet “WASP-127b”. The winds along the equator of this planet can reach speeds of up to 33,000 kilometres per hour. These results help better understand the atmosphere of planets outside our solar system.

Exhibition "What the quant?!
“What the quant?!” is the exhibition to celebrate the Quantum Year 2025 in the Forum Wissen, the knowledge museum of the University of Göttingen. The Forum Wissen is dedicating a large special exhibition to mark the topic of quantum mechanics, whose history is closely linked with Göttingen University. The exhibition tells the story of quantum physics from the year 1900 right up to the present day. It will run at the Forum Wissen from 27 March to 14 September 2025.
Tutors wanted
For the summer semester 2025, we are again looking for HiWis and doctoral students who, for example, supervise exercise groups or internships as tutors. Numerous positions are advertised. Apply here.

International FOR 5522 PhD School on Nonergodic Quantum Dynamics
From Sept. 23 – Sept. 27, 2024 the Faculty of Physics and its Institute for Theoretical Physics will host an international Phd School on Nonergodic Quantum Dynamics, with about 65 participants from 12 countries. The school will address fundamental questions of the non-equilibrium statistical physics of quantum many-body systems: How do the microscopic equations of motion of quantum mechanics lead to thermalization? Are there exceptions, that is, realistic systems that defy thermalization, at least on long time scales? What is the status of experimental research? The school is organized by the DFG Research Unit FOR 5522 that is coordinated at the University of Göttingen.

Glimpse into the nanoworld: microscope reveals tiniest cell processes
What does the inside of a cell really look like? In the past, standard microscopes were limited in how well they could answer this question. Now, researchers from the Universities of Göttingen and Oxford, in collaboration with the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), have succeeded in developing a microscope with resolutions better than five nanometres (five billionths of a metre). This is roughly equivalent to the width of a hair split into 10,000 strands.

"Laser view" into the avocado: new method reveals cell interior
Checking whether an avocado is hard or soft by looking at it? This would require recognizing how the plant cells behave behind the skin. The same applies to all other cells on our planet: Despite more than 100 years of intensive research, many of their properties remain hidden inside the cell. Researchers at the University of Göttingen describe in their recent publication in Nature Materials a new approach that can determine the particularly difficult-to-detect mechanical properties of the cell interior by taking a closer look.
Physics Colloquium
On Monday in lecture hall HS1.
Faculty of Physics
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
Floor B.01, Room 102
D-37077 Göttingen
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