Seminar für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Impressions of the workshop in memory of Prof. Karl-Heinz Willroth on 19th January 2024
CCEHN Workshop
Palaeolandscapes, resource availability and human economy:
subsistence & human diet
On 23. february 2024 at 9 am
More informations:

Support services for students at the University of Göttingen
Information for students at the start of their studies and semester (PDF)
Colloquium Praehistoricum Summer semester 2024
To be announced!
Access link: ZOOM
Meeting-ID: 669 9636 2707
Password: -
Our department in short

Centrally located on the humanities campus and next to the State and University Library (SUB) (site plan UFG), the department is located in the rear building of the Archaeological Institute. In close contact between students and lecturers, the department offers the possibility to study prehistoric and early historic archaeology as part of the bachelor's and master's degree program or as an elective in the course of study Ancient Cultures
(see info brochure). In addition to a comprehensive basic education covering the various epochs, subject areas, and sources, the professional focus of the department is on landscape, settlement, and economic archaeological issues. Thanks to numerous research projects at the department, students quickly gain an insight into the professional field and have the opportunity to do independent scientific work within the framework of the projects.