Study Program

The RTG has developed an interdisciplinary qualification program that equips our graduate students with a broad set of skills and versatile tools for analyzing data also beyond the scientific scope of our RTG. This comprehensive education of the prospective graduates will be especially attractive in all growing industrial and scientific areas where advanced data analysis plays a prominent role. The qualification program of the RTG 2088 strongly influences the structured PhD study program “Mathematical Sciences” and the graduate school for mathematics and natural sciences at the University of Göttingen (GAUSS).
The Ph.D. students will enroll in the structured Ph.D. program "Mathematical Sciences" (6 semesters) of the School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS) within the Georg-August University School of Sciences (GAUSS) that determines the standards for structured Ph.D. studies in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences. There are fixed regulations on the entrance requirements for Ph.D. candidates, particularly regarding their course achievements during Master studies and regarding their skills in English or German. The Ph.D. studies in this program require the successful completion of modules comprising 30 ECTS credit points. All courses and seminars will be held in English.
The study program includes introductory lectures in the first study phase, special seminars and RTG specific complementary courses in the advanced study phase, and skills training courses. Accompanying RTG research seminars are close to the individual projects and have been shown to form an ideal environment to present first own research results and to discuss current obstacles and difficulties with other PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and supervisors. The qualification program includes an annual RTG autumn workshop, where the PhD students present their current stage of research and where discussions and collaborations across subject areas are stimulated. In order to support intensive national and international scientific exchange, the RTG provides an extensive visitor program including special block courses, colloquium talks and one annual RTG thematic workshop. Active participation in international conferences is obligatory, andwe strongly support a research stay abroad especially within the last stage of the PhD studies.
PhD students are individually supervised by a thesis committee consisting of two main supervisors who are experts in different mathematical fields, and one mentor. In this way we guarantee an intensive individual supervision and promote efficient and independent scientific work. The first supervisor is responsible for the project and acts as the first contact person for the PhD student. A working plan for the research project is arranged and regularly adjusted so that new scientific achievements and unexpected obstacles can be taken into account. Talks in RTG research seminars, at workshops and conferences, as well as frequent meetings with the supervisors offer opportunities to obtain immediate feedback and further advice for research. We are committed the GAUSS rules for good supervision, see here.
Women are still strongly underrepresented in mathematics. We will particularly support female students by further measures such as special workshops e.g. on “Successful and Authentic Self Representation” or “Academic Career in Mathematics”, and individual coaching.
For more information see:
PhD programme in mathematics
Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS)