Xue Lin

Master, Landscape Ecology of Waterfowl Habitat, Chinese Academy of Forestry 2016-2019
- Thesis title: Influence of Poyang Lake Landscape Dynamics on Habitat Selection of Tracked
Siberian Crane During Wintering Period.

Bachelor, Ecology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China 2012-2016
- Thesis title: Diversity Research and the Configuration Analysis in Fuzhou Main Road Greening

- Remote Sensing / GIS
- Vegetarian phenological dynamics
- Landscape degradation and Landscape dynamics
- Land Cover or Land Use Change

PhD Thesis:
Multi-Sensor and Multi-Scale methods to determine vegetation phenological dynamics under climate change of Songnen Plain (China)

- Lin Xue, Jiahui Xu, Xiuming Li, Aiming Wu, Fawen Qian, Analysis on the Difference of Migration Routes and Movement
Patterns between Rescued and Wild Siberian Cranes. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2020, 7.

-Wang C, Xue L, Dong Y, et al. Soil organic carbon fractions, C-cycling hydrolytic enzymes, and microbial carbon metabolism in Chinese fir plantations.
Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 758:143696