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SustainableFood Discussion Papers (Paper Series ISSN 2750-1671):

SustainableFood Discussion Papers are research outputs from RTG participants and partners. They are meant to stimulate discussion, so that comments are welcome. Most manuscripts that appear as Discussion Papers are also formally submitted for publication in a journal. The responsibility for the contents of this publication rests with the author(s), not the RTG. Since discussion papers are of a preliminary nature, please contact the author(s) of a particular issue about results or caveats before referring to, or quoting, a paper. Any comments should be sent directly to the author(s).

  • Müting, L., O. Mußhoff (2025). A fruitful endeavor: Smallholders’ climate change adaptation strategies through tree species selection for planting. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 21, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Arcia, K., A. Thies, A. Ramos, A. Arboleda (2025). Reconstructing the Ecuadorian Short Food Supply Chain consumer profile. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 20, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Pallauf, M., S. von Cramon-Taubadel, S. Hüttel (2025). Cattle grazing under trees: German farmers' intentions to adopt modern silvopastoral systems under climate change risk perceptions. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 19, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF, the survey was pre-registered here)
  • Arcia, K., S. von Cramon-Taubadel (2024). Nitrogen and Phosphorus pollution mitigation through down-scaling cattle production in Germany. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 18, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Müting, L., P.S.K. Mkandawire, O. Mußhoff (2024). Nuts about trees? – Smallholders’ diverse agroforestry systems and their relationship to groundnut yields in the Senegalese Groundnut Basin. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 17, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Mkandawire, P.S.K., D.-D.D. Fiankor, B. Brümmer (2024). Targeted Trade Policy Instruments and Climate Change Mitigation: The Case of Environmental Provisions in Trade Agreements. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 16, University of Goettingen. (download paper as PDF and download online appendix)
  • Mkandawire, P.S.K., D.-D.D. Fiankor, I. Martínez-Zarzoso, B. Brümmer (2024). Sectoral Trade Effects of Heterogeneous Environmental Provisions in Trade Agreements: Exploring the Margins. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 15, University of Goettingen. (download paper as PDF and download online appendix)
  • Squarcina, M., J. Hänsch, F. M. Montoya Cepeda, M. Pallauf, B. Paz, J. Stehl, J. Wehner, M. Wollni (2024). Developing a Multidimensional Resilience Index for Farm Households: A Food System Approach. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 14, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Mohammed, F. Y., M. G. Khonje, M. Qaim (2024). Women’s roles in decision-making and nutrition-sensitive agriculture. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 13, University of Goettingen. (download paper as PDF and download online appendix)
  • Wehner, J., J. H. Feil, X. Yu (2024). Investigating market power in the German dairy industry. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 12, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Wehner, J., X. Yu (2024). Drivers Of The Global Thirst For Milk. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 11, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Lieke, S.-D., A. K. Adhi (2024). Much more than just an ingredient: Palm oil and its consumer perspectives in Indonesia. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 10, University of Göttingen. (download as PDF)
  • Bohn, S., M. Wollni, B. Paz (2024). Cultivating Change: Exploring the Link between Certification, Dietary Quality and Women’s Empowerment among Coffee Farmers in Rwanda. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 9, University of Göttingen. (download as PDF)
  • Paz, B., B. Dalheimer, M. Wollni (2024). Total Factor Productivity, Deforestation, and Voluntary Sustainability Standards: Evidence from Rwandese coffee farmers. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 8, University of Göttingen. (download as PDF)
  • Wätzold, M. Y. L., I. Abdulai, A. Cooke, K. Krumbiegel, C. Ocampo-Ariza, A. Wenzel, M. Wollni (2024). Do voluntary sustainability standards improve socioeconomic and ecological outcomes? Evidence from Ghana’s cocoa sector. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 7, University of Göttingen. (download as PDF)
  • Erhard, A., S. Banerjee, M. Morren (2024). Driving public support for a meat tax: Fiscal policies and behavioral interventions. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 6, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Purushotham, A., L. Steinhübel (2024). Livelihood diversification and nutrition in the Indian rural-urban interface. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 5, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Huelsen, V., M. G. Khonje, M. Qaim (2024). Market Food Environments and Child Nutrition. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 4, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Lemken, D., S. Wahnschafft, C. Eggers (2023). Public acceptance of default nudges to promote healthy and sustainable food choices. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 3, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Von Grafenstein, L., S. Klasen, J. Hoddinott (2022). The Indian Enigma revisited. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 2, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)
  • Von Grafenstein, L., S. Iweala, A. Ruml (2021). Information Source and Content – Drivers for Consumers’ Valuation of Fairly Traded Foods. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 1, University of Goettingen. (download as PDF)

Other Discussion Papers, Working Papers, Conference Contributions, etc.:

  • von Cramon-Taubadel, S., & Arcia, K. (forthcoming). The transformation of livestock production in a globalised world – barriers and opportunities. In B. Grabkowsky & T. Blaha (Eds.), Intensive Livestock Production in Transition: Analyses, concepts and strategies for sustainability transformation of livestock systems. Springer Nature.
  • Lieke, S.-D. (2025). (Mis)Guiding consumers to sustainable consumption: the role of information, labels and claims. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Science: University of Göttingen. (Link)
  • Wahnschafft, S. (2024). Designing politically feasible policies to enhance healthy and sustainable diets – empirical insights. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Science: University of Göttingen. (Link)
  • Erhard, A. (2024). Nudging Plant-Based Food Choice. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences: University of Göttingen. (Link)
  • Glatzel, K., H. Ameye, V. Hülsen, M. Qaim (2024). Changing food environments in Africa’s urban and peri-urban areas: Implications for diets, nutrition, and policy. ZEF Working Paper 235. (Link)
  • Stehl, J., L. Depenbusch, S. Vollmer (2024). Healthy diet based poverty lines. Courant Research Centre Discussion Paper 295, University of Goettingen. (Link)
  • Wollni, M., Bohn, S., Ocampo Ariza, C., Paz, B., Santalucia, S., Squarcina, M., and Wätzold, M. (2024). Sustainability standards in agri-food value chains: impacts and trade-offs for smallholder farmers. Paper presented at the ICAE conference, 08/2024, New Delhi, India. (Link)
  • Squarcina, M., A. Carraro (2024). Changing profiles of child poverty: The case of Uganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. Working paper, UNICEF Innocenti - Global Office of Research and Foresight. (Link)
  • Lieke, S.-D., A. Erhard, S. Stetkiewicz (2024). Do ingredients matter? Exploring consumer preference for abstract vs. concrete descriptors of plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. Proceedings of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Norway, pp: 106-110. ISBN: 978-87-975487-0-7. (Link)
  • Stehl, J., A. Vonderschmidt, S. Vollmer, P. Alexander, L. Jaacks (2024). Assessing self-sufficiency: analyzing the gap between national food production and food-based dietary guidance. (Link)
  • Stehl, J., L. Depenbusch, S. Vollmer (2023). The global income gap to a healthy diet. Courant Research Centre Discussion Paper 293, University of Goettingen. (Link)
  • Erhard A., D. Lemken, Y. Boztug (2023). How do defaults and framing influence food choice? An intervention aimed at promoting plant-based choice in online menus. Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 52nd (114061). (Link)
  • Roy, D., R. Boss, M. Pradhan, M. Ajmani (2022). India’s pulse policy landscape and its implications for trade. IFPRI Discussion Paper 2113. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). (Link)