Dr Paul Langeslag
Background and Interests
Dr Langeslag took English in Groningen (2001–2005, 2005–2006), with time spent in Helsinki (2003–2004); Medieval Icelandic Studies in Iceland (2006–2007); and Medieval Studies in Toronto (2007–2012). He has taught Old English, Old Norse, and German–English translation at the University of Toronto, and Latin at St. Philip′s Seminary, Toronto. He has taught at Göttingen since 2013, covering Old and Middle English, Old Norse, historical linguistics, medieval culture, and digital humanities.Dr Langeslag is interested in Old English and Old Norse language and literature, the creation of digital tools for study and research, and the creation and mining of digital text corpora. He is closely involved with all aspects of the Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English (ECHOE) project, but particularly its accuracy and technical realization.

Dr Langeslag maintains a variety of online scholarly resources and learning aids. They are indexed at langeslag.uni-goettingen.de.Curriculum Vitae