Alexander von Humboldt Professorship
The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship is the most highly endowed research award in Germany. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the programme is designed to attract top international researchers to German universities. Up to ten Humboldt Professorships are awarded each year to researchers from all disciplines.
Dr. Jan Huisken
Jan Huisken, a pioneer of so-called smart and soft microscopy, co-founded of modern light sheet microscopy and is a pioneer in the field of multiscale imaging. In recent years, Huisken has contributed significantly to the development of quantitative imaging approaches in modern biology. His light sheet microscopy technique has many applications worldwide. In Göttingen, Huisken will continue his research at the Cluster of Excellence "Multiscale Bioimaging: From Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells (MBExC)".
(Information page Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
(Press release University of Göttingen)
Ran Hirschl (PhD, Yale)
Ran Hirschl is one of the world's leading scholars in the field of comparative constitutional law. In Göttingen, Hirschl wants to focus on constellations in which the interplay of religion and constitutional law reflects and shapes political debates about collective identity. His work will promote the development of Göttingen into a hub for studies on the interaction between comparative law, constitutional law and comparative politics.
(Information page Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
(Press release University of Göttingen)
Prof. Dr. Harald Andrés Helfgott
Harald Helfgott researches and teaches at the Mathematics Institute of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. He will strengthen the research focus on algebraic geometry and number theory and intends to develop Göttingen into a world-leading location in this field. Among many his accomplishments is the solution he developed for Goldbach's weak conjecture. In addition, he also made significant contributions to the solution of fundamental problems in group theory, Diophantine geometry and number theory.
(Information page Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
(Press release University of Göttingen)
Prof. Dr. Alec M. Wodtke
Alec Wodtke is one of the leading international scientists in the field of molecular interactions at interfaces. He works at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Göttingen and as Director of the Department of Dynamics at Surfaces at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen. His work provides fundamental contributions to questions of catalysis research, the storage and conversion of chemical to electrical energy and interfacial science. Wodtke is the founding director of the Göttingen Centre for Advanced Studies in Energy Conversion.
(Information page Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
(Press release University of Göttingen)