Tasks of the Equal Opportunities Officer
The Equal Opportunities Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences supports the equal opportunities mandate of the University of Göttingen for the Faculty of Social Sciences. Within this framework, the Equal Opportunities Officer acts as a representative for the equal opportunities policy interests of the Faculty of Social Sciences and offers information and advice:
- Quality assurance in recruitment and appointment procedures
- Further training measures and funding opportunities/scholarships for women
- Advice on topics such as returning to work, professional and career planning, maternity and parental leave, studying with children, balancing care work + studies/career, sexualized violence, bullying, stalking
The Equal Opportunities Office thus serves as a point of contact and advice for all members of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
We work for equal opportunities, diversity and the compatibility of care work and career as well as for protection against discrimination.
Our equal opportunities work takes into account the different life situations of the members of the Faculty of Social Sciences and creates scope for the various needs of the university's members.
The overarching goal is to establish gender-equitable structures across all faculties that are effective in society.
The Equal Opportunities Officer organizes lectures, seminars and workshops, (co-)publishes information brochures and her staff have experience in scientific, socio-political and social issues relating to gender + intersectionality.