Vice-President for Equal Opportunities, Diversity and InternationalizationProfessor Inge Hanewinkel
Professor Inge Hanewinkel has been Vice-President since 1 January 2024, a role which she holds alongside her other academic and administrative duties. Hanewinkel has held a professorship for Roman Law, Civil Law and History of Modern Private Law at the University of Göttingen since 2013. Between 2013 and 2019, she was a member of the Senate’s Committees for Gender Equality and Diversity (KfGD), and Development and Financial Planning (KEF), as well as the central Senate Committee for Teaching and Studies (zKLS). From 2020 to 2022, she was Dean of the Faculty of Law, and from 2021 to 2022, Chair of the Council of Deans of the University of Göttingen.
Curriculum vitae
Academic and professional career
since 2013 | W3-Professorship for Roman Law, Civil Law and History of Modern Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Göttingen |
2007-2013 | W3-Professorship for Civil Law, Roman Law and History of Modern Private Law, University of Regensburg |
2006-2007 | Interim professorship at the Universities of Leipzig and Goethe University Frankfurt |
2000-2005 | Chair of Civil Law, Roman Law and History of Private Law of the Modern Era, Department of Law and Sciences, University of Mainz, Research Assistant (C1) (Habilitation) |
1993-2000 | Chair of Civil Law, Roman Law and History of Private Law in the Modern Era, Department of Law and Economics, University of Mainz (Dr jur.) |
1993-1995 | Legal clerkship, Higher Regional Court Koblenz (Second State Examination in Law) |
1987-1992 | University of Mainz, law studies (First State Examination in Law) |
Awards in research and teaching, scholarships and appointments declined
2014-2015 | Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities "Law as Culture", University of Bonn |
2015-2017 | Three-time teaching award winner, Faculty of Law, University of Göttingen |
2013 | Offered a W3 professorship for Ancient Legal History, European Private Law History and Civil Law at the Goethe University Frankfurt (declined) |
2002 | Award for excellence in teaching, Senate of the University of Mainz |
2001 | Prize of the University of Nice, Quinto Premio Romanistico Internazionale "Gérard Boulvert," Naples for dissertation |
2000 | Research Promotion Prize of the Association of Friends of the University of Mainz for the dissertation |
1990-1993 | Scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation |
Leadership roles and committee activities
2020-2022 | Dean of the Faculty of Law |
2021-2022 | Chair of the Council of Deans |
2015-2019 | Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Law |
2015-2017 | Director of the Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtsvergleichung (now: Institut für Grundlagen des Rechts), University of Göttingen |
since 2013 | Director of the Department of Roman and Common Law, Institut für Grundlagen des Rechts |
since 2023 | Chair of the Senate Committee for Gender Equality and Diversity (KfGD) |
2013-2017 | Member of the Senate Committee for Gender Equality and Diversity (KfGD) |
2017-2019 | Member of the Senate Committee for Development and Financial Planning (KEF) |
2016-2017 | Member of the central Senate Committee for Teaching and Studies (zKLS) |
2016-2022 | Member of the Executive Board of the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) |
2015-2022 | Member of the internal advisory committee of the Centre for Collection Development |
2016-2022 | Member of the Awards Committee of the Centre for Collection Development |
2017-2022 | Member of the Board of the Göttingen Centre for Gender Studies (GCG) |
2016-2021 | Second member of the Centre for Theory and Methodology of Cultural Studies (ZTMK, 2013-2021), member of the board (2016-2021) |
since 2013 | Second member of the Centrum Orbis Orientalis et Occidentalis (CORO) |
since 2016 | Chair of the Board of the Soltenborn Stiftung |
since 2013 | Member of the Strohmeyer Stiftung Management Board |
since 2017 | Personal Tutor for the German Academic Scholarship Foundation |
Main research interests
- Inheritance law from a dogmatic, European and historical perspective
- Cultural history of Roman law
- Historical gender studies
- Law and literature
- History of codification
Selected publications
- Hanewinkel, I., Linder N. (2023). Romanistische Dissidenz: Die Geburt der Rechtssoziologie aus dem Römischen Recht bei Eugen Ehrlich. In: Auer, M./Seinecke, R. (eds.), Tagung anlässlich des 100. Todestages von Eugen Ehrlich, Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie, 29./30.9.22 Frankfurt a. M. (in print)
- Hanewinkel, I. Linder N. (2020). „Ein Mann von kräftigem Rechtsgefühle“. Rudolf von Jherings Prozess gegen seine Magd und der Kampf um’s Recht.“ Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte 42: 61-76
- Hanewinkel, I., Linder N. (2019). „,… als große Unruhen in Göttingen wegen der Gensd’armen Statt fanden …‘ Gustav Hugo und die Studentenunruhen 1809/10.“ Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung 136: 164-186
- Kroppenberg, I. (2017). Blind Bodies of Justice: Aesthetics and Law in Johann Gottfried Herder’s Sculpture. In: Werner Gephart et al. (eds.), Law and the Arts. Elective Affinities and Relationships of Tension, Frankfurt a. M: 251-271
- Kroppenberg, I. (2015). Die Plastik des Rechts. Sammlung und System bei Rudolf v. Jhering, Berlin
- Kroppenberg, I./Linder N. (2014). Coding the Nation. Codification History from a (Post-)Global Perspective. In: Duve, T. (ed.), Entanglements in Legal History: Conceptual Approaches. Frankfurt a. M.: 67-100
- Kroppenberg, I. (2012). Adoptio naturam imitatur - Grenzfragen der Annahme als Kind in historisch-dogmatischem Kontext (19.3.2012). forum historiae iuris,
- Kroppenberg, I. (2010). Law, Religion and Constitution of the Vestal Virgins. Law & Literature 22: 18-439
- Kroppenberg, I. (2009). Amicitia und römisches Delegations- und Auftragsrecht. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung 126: 284-304
- Kroppenberg, I. (2007). Der gescheiterte Codex. Überlegungen zur Kodifikationsgeschichte des Codex Theodosianus. Rg. Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte 10: 112-126
Office of the Vice-President
Olga Schwarz
Office of the Vice-President
Tel. +49 551 39-21026
Fax +49 551 39-18-21026
Turan Lackschewitz
Personal Executive Assistant to the Vice-President for Equal Opportunities, Diversity and International Affairs
Tel. +49 551 39-21051
Fax +49 551 39-18-21051
- Senate’s Committee for Gender Equality and Diversity (KfGD)
Departments, sections and units of the central administration and institutes
- International Office (GI)
- Equal Opportunities and Diversity Office (CD)
Representation of the University on boards of trustees and advisory boards
- European University Network ENLIGHT
- The Guild
- European University Association
- Landeshochschulkonferenz Niedersachsen (LHK)’s standing committee for internationalization, Member
- Landeshochschulkonferenz Niedersachsen (LHK)’s standing committee for equal opportunities, Member
Responsible in the strategy process