Certificate of transferable credits of your previous academic performances

Type of Document: "Certificate of transferable credits"

Certificate of Transferrable Credits (Anrechnungs­bescheinigung)

  • If you have already studied medicine or dentistry abroad
  • or if you have already been enrolled in another course of study
  • or if you would like to switch to studying medicine from dentistry (or vice versa)

we will require a certificate of transferrable credits (Anrechnungs­bescheinigung) from the state examination board (Landesprüfungsamt) in Düsseldorf.

Proof of Regular Studies

  • If you would like to transfer here from another university in Germany without changing your course of study

we require a proof of regular studies and examination entitlement (Nachweis über ein regelhaftes Studium und bestehenden Prüfungsanspruch) - PDF. The certificate must be completed and signed by your previous university. Note that this transfer is only possible within the regular study period:

medicine dentistry
pre-clinical 4 Semester 5 Semester
clinical 6 Semester 5 Semester

If you can prove regular studies and examination, please apply for the next higher semester.

If you cannot prove regular studies and exmination, please contact dean studies office of the University Medical Centre. Your previous studies results will be checked by them and you will be placed in the semester, which corresponds to your individual performance.

We strongly recommend to take care for the regular study check in time, before the end of the application deadline. Only then, you can be sure to choose the correct semester within the application process. If you choose a wrong semester, it cannot be changed afterwards and leads to exclusion of the application process.

For all other courses of study, we require a Certificate of Transferrable Credits of the University of Göttingen. Please contact the relevant advisor for the course of study for which you would like to apply.


The International Office
Incoming Office

Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen

Personal Office Hours:
Mon 10am-12pm and Wed 2-4pm

The personal office hour on Wednesday, 02.04.25 will not take place.

Hotline-International students and applicants

+49 551/39 27777

Calling Hours:
Mon 1-4pm and Tue-Fri 9am-12pm



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