DSH-2 or an equivalent examination
Type of Document: "Proof of German language proficiency"
Applicants for medicine and dentistry must submit evidence of sufficient German language proficiency, such as DSH-2 or a certified alternative examination.
If you are enrolled at a Studienkolleg at the time of application and cannot submit a final certificate of the assessment test by the end of the application deadline, a half-year report of the Studienkolleg can be accepted as proof of language proficiency. The final certificate of the assessment test or a certified alternative examination must be submitted by the time of enrollment at the latest.
The DSH examination can be taken at the University of Göttingen. A DSH certificate which was acquired at a different university will only be accepted if the DSH examination of this university is accredited by the German Rectors' Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK).
If your university entrance qualification (e.g. 'Feststellungsprüfung' or the 'österreichische Matura' etc.) is also your language certificate, please upload this document twice under the respective required document types.
All application documents must be uploaded via the upload portal. Please do not send these documents by postal mail!
The International Office
Incoming Office
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen
Personal Office Hours:
Mon 10am-12pm and Wed 2-4pm
The personal office hour on Wednesday, 02.04.25 will not take place.
Hotline-International students and applicants
+49 551/39 27777
Calling Hours:
Mon 1-4pm and Tue-Fri 9am-12pm