Dr. Dirk Schultze
(Sessional Instructor/Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben)
Curriculum Vitae
Born 1972 in Magdeburg, 1990-1997 studied English and German in Greifswald; 1997 Magister Artium; 1998-2000 Research assistant at the subdepartment of English Historical Linguistics and Medieval English Literature (Prof. Dr. Lucia Kornexl), Greifswald University; 2000-2007 Researcher and Junior lecturer at the subdepartment of English Historical Linguistics and Medieval English Literature (Prof. Dr. Lucia Kornexl), Greifswald University; 2003-2005 elected board member of the Mittelalterzentrum (Centre for Medieval Studies), Greifswald; 2005 PhD - The Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom. The Middle English Translation of Henry Suso's Horologium Sapientiae. A Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary Based on Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS Brogyntyn II.5; 2007-March 2011 assistant to Prof. Dr. Lucia Kornexl at the subdepartment of English Linguistics, Rostock University; Summer 2011 Interim Professor English Historical Linguistics and Medieval English Literature, Göttingen University; since 10/2012 Sessional Instructor, Göttingen University; 2018 guest lecturer at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa; 2015-2019 four-year training as counsellor and therapist in Gestalt therapy
Scholarly Interests
- Middle English marriage troth plights
- 15th cent. English, translations into English
- manuscript studies, early printing
- editing
- knowledge and the sciences in the Middle Ages
- James Joyce: Ulysses
- The Middle English marriage troth plights: variation and codification of a micro-text
- Middle English in manuscripts in German repositories (including editions of a number of texts, e.g. a fragment from The Prick of Conscience, medical recipes attached to a manuscript with works by John of Arderne, etc.)
- with Winfried Rudolf: Index of Middle English Prose: Manuscripts in Germany
- Saint Catherine of Siena in English: digital edition of English extracts from her works
- Caxton’s Book of Divers Ghostly Matters
- Cato’s distichs in England (now supervision of a PhD project)
Current courses in EXA
Please note: You need to register for my courses via StudIP. If you should not be able to register via StudIP, please attend the first session! Please contact me if you should not be able to attend!
Current Functions
- 2020-2023: research associate at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Sessional Instructor/Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Former Functions
- 2011: Interim Professor for English Medieval Studies (Seminar für Englische Philologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
- 2003-2005, 2007-2011: elected board member of the Mittelalterzentrum Greifswald (Centre for Medieval Studies)
- 2005-2011: redactional assistant to ANGLIA - Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie, ed. Stephan Kohl, Lucia Kornexl, Martin Middeke, Hans Sauer and Hubert Zapf, red. Rostock (Prof. Lucia Kornexl)
- with Winfried Rudolf: Index of Middle English Prose. Handlist ##: Manuscripts in German Libraries. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer (forthcoming).
- The Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom. The Middle English Translation of Henry Suso's Horologium Sapientiae. A Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary Based on Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS Brogyntyn II.5. (= PhD thesis Greifswald 2005)
- Bereit zum Konflikt – Strategien und Medien der Konflikterzeugung und Konfliktbewältigung in mittelalterlichen Integrations- und Differenzierungsprozessen, Hg. Oliver Auge, Felix Biermann, Matthias Müller & Dirk Schultze, Mittelalter-Forschungen 20, Ostfildern: Thorbecke, 2008
- JAMES JOYCE: ULYSSES. Übersetzt von Hans Wollschläger. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Dirk Vanderbeke, Sigrid Altdorf, Friedrich Reinmuth und Dirk Schultze in Verbindung mit Bert Scharpenberg. Mit Abbildungen, Plänen und Register. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2004
- "Additions to DIMEV". (in preparation)
- "Middle English in the Gesta Romanorum: a closer look". (in preparation)
- with Bertram Lesser, SBPK Berlin: "Unlost: Ranulph Higden’s Petagogicum super Donatum". (in preparation)
- "A Fragment of the Prick of Conscience in Berlin SBPK, Fragm. 45". (in preparation)
- "Antedating the Inkhorn-term Debate". Note submitted to Notes & Queries.
- "The Kassel Fragment from an Early South English Legendary”. Anglia 142:2 (2024), 241-62.
- "English Portions of the Marriage ordo in Manuscripts of German Provenance: An Edition of Two Middle English Texts in Hanover, Stadtbibliothek, Mag. 3, and Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 705”. Anglia 140 (2022), 224–261.
- "Spiritual Teachings by Catherine of Siena in BL Harley 2409: An Edition." Anglia 136.2 (2018), 296-325.
- "The “Treatise on the Sacrament” in Cambridge, St John's College G.25: An Edition", Anglia 132 (2014), 439-472.
- "Wisdom in the Margins: Text and Paratext in the Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom", Etudes anglaises 66/3 (2013), 341-356.
- "Translating St Catherine of Siena in Fifteenth-century England", Catherine of Siena: The Creation of a Cult, ed. Jeffrey Hamburger & Gabriela Signori. Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts 13. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013, 185-212.
- (with Lucia Kornexl): “History and Change”, English and American Studies. Theory and Practice. Ed. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald & Hubert Zapf, Stuttgart und Weimar: Metzler Verlag, 2012, 395-412.
- "Joyce's rib risible?", James Joyce Quarterly 48.2 (2011), 347-350.
- "Kloster Eldena und Universität Greifswald: Geistige Gemeinschaft um 1500 im Spiegel der Bücher von Wichmann Kruse und Michael Knabe", in Glaube, Macht und Pracht: Geistliche Gemeinschaften des Ostseeraums im Zeitalter der Backsteingotik, hg. O. Auge, F. Biermann & Ch. Herrmann, Archäologie und Geschichte im Ostseeraum 6, Rahden 2009, pp. 283-304.
- "Hippocras Bag, Oil of Exeter and Manus Christi: Recipes in BL Harley 1706", in Anglia 126 (2008), 429-460.
- "Wichmann Kruse", in Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz Verlag 2005. Bd. XXIV, cols. 986-987. [click here]
- with Dirk Vanderbeke, "Wer Augen hat zu sehen. Zum Status der Wissenschaft in Arno Schmidts Leviathan oder Die beste der Welten", in Zettelkasten. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft der Arno-Schmidt-Leser, hg. Friedhelm Rathjen, Bd. 18 (1999), 67-81.
- Daniel McCann. 2018. Soul-Health: Therapeutic Reading in Later Medieval England, in Anglia 138.4 (2020), 705–8
- A Mirror to Devout People (Speculum devotorum). Ed. Paul J. Patterson, in Anglia 136.2 (2018), 344-7
- The Middle English Text of Caxton's Ovid, Book II-III. Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 with a Parallel Text of The 'Ovide moralisé en prose II'. Edited from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fonds français 137. Ed. Wolfgang Mager. (= Middle English Texts, 53). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016, in Editionen in der Kritik IX/Berliner Beiträge zur Editionswissenschaft 17 (2017), 15-17.
- After Arundel: Religious Writing in Fifteenth-Century England. Ed. Vincent Gillespie & Kantik Ghosh. Turnhout: Brepols, 2012, in Anglia 132 (2014), 160-166.
- The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Mysticism. Ed. Samuel Fanous & Vincent Gillespie. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011, in Anglia 131 (2013), 370-373.
- The Language of Public and Private Communication in a Historical Perspective. Ed. Nicholas Brownlees, Gabriella Del Lungo & John Denton. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2010, in The European English Messenger 21,2 (2012), 52–-59.
- Scribes, Printers, and the Accidentals of their Texts. Ed. Jacob Thaisen & Hanna Rutkowska. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang, 2011, in Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 249/2 (2012), 417–419.
- The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English. Vol. 1: To 1550. Ed. Roger Ellis. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008, in Anglia 128 (2010), pp. 139-144
- Language and Culture in Medieval Britain: The French of England c. 1100–c.1500. Ed. Jocelyn Wogan-Browne et al. York: York Medieval P, 2009, in Anglia 130 (2012), 161-165.
- Beatrix Weber: Sprachlicher Ausbau: Konzeptionelle Studien zur spätmittelenglischen Schriftsprache. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang, 2010, in Anglia 130 (2012), 426–428.
- The Middle English Text of Caxton’s Ovid. Book I, Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34, with a Parallel Text of The Ovide moralisé en prose II, Edited from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fonds français 137. Ed. Diana Rumrich. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011, in Anglia 129 (2011), 504-507.
- Doppelrezension: Virgins and Scholars: A Fifteenth-century Compilation of the Lives of John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Jerome, and Katherine of Alexandria. Ed. Claire M. Waters. Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts 10. Turnhout: Brepols, 2008; und Three Women of Liège: A Critical Edition of and Commentary on the Middle English Lives of Elizabeth of Spalbeek, Christina Mirabilis, and Marie d’Oignies. Ed. Jennifer N. Brown. Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts 23. Turnhout: Brepols, 2008, in Anglia 127 (2009), pp. 341-347
- Marleen Cré: Vernacular Mysticism in the Charterhouse. A Study of London, British Library, MS Additional 37790. The Medieval Translator – Traduire au Moyen Age 9. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006, in Anglia 127 (2009), pp. 137–141
- Jones, E.A., ed.: The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England: Exeter Symposium VII. Papers Read at Charney Manor, July 2004, in Anglia 125 (2007), pp. 518-522
Conference talks and presentations
- "For better, for worse: The Middle English portions of the marriage ordo: A research project". 22. Studientag des Englischen Mittelalters, Jena, 11 March 2022.
- “Teaching Latin, Teaching Morals, Emancipating English: Cato's Distichs in England”. University of Johannesburg, 23 April 2018
- “The company she keeps: Translating Saint Catherine in England”. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 20 March 2018; University of Johannesburg, 22 May 2018
- “A Language Found in Translation: The role of translation in the development of the English language”. Symposium Translation: Theory and Practice, Past and Present, University of Rostock, 19-21 May 2011.
- with Ulrich Blumenbach, Michael Bowen and Andrea Zittlau: “Unendlicher Spaß, oder die Arbeit des Übersetzers: Ulrich Blumenbachs Übersetzung von David Foster Wallaces Infinite Jest”. Universitätsbuch-handlung Weiland, Rostock, 19 May 2011.
- “Syon Abbey’s Care for Translation”. International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 2011.
- "Affective Language and Piety: The Saintly (Auto-)Biography in Later Medieval England", Symposium Sanctity and Literature, 12-13 November 2010, Bochum.
- "The gift of tongues: Theories and myths of language acquisition", Symposium Language: Learning, Acquisition & Communication, Rostock, 4–5 June 2010.
- "Coming to terms in poetry: Aspects of technical language in literature", Symposium Techno Speak: Languages for Special Purposes – Past and Present, Rostock, 19–20 June 2009.
- "Einführung" [introduction], Symposium Techno Speak: Languages for Special Purposes – Past and Present, Rostock, 19–20 June 2009.
- with Fritz Senn, Harald Beck, and Dirk Vanderbeke: "The same renew: Joyces «Ulysses» deutsch erneuert. Freuden und Leiden des Joyce-Übersetzens". Literaturhaus Zurich, 9 March 2009, in cooperation with the Zurich James-Joyce-Foundation and the Translation House Looren.
- "Translating St Catherine of Siena in(to) Fifteenth-century England", The Making of a Saint: Catharina of Siena, Tomaso Caffarini and Venice, Konstanz 12–14 January 2009.
- "Termini technici: Die Entwicklung von Fachsprachen im Mittelalter" [technical terminology in the middle ages], lecture series Technik im Mittelalter, Mittelalterzentrum Greifswald, 24 November 2008.
- "'... alle the bokes that I haue of latyn, englisch, and frensch' – Manuscripts and Linguistic Identity in Later Medieval England", Symposium Language and Identity, Rostock, 27-28 June 2008.
- "Geistiges Leben und Schriftkultur im monastischen Bereich" [on books in monasteries], Glaube, Macht und Pracht – Geistliche Gemein-schaften des Ostseeraums im Zeitalter der Backsteingotik, Greifswald, 27-30 November 2007. [published as “Kloster Eldena etc.” in 2009]
- "Bücher und literarische Interessen der englischen Gentry" [on literary interests of the English gentry]. lecture series Hofkultur in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Mittelalterzentrum Greifswald, winter term 2006–07, 24 January 2007.
- The Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom. presentation at Studientag des Englischen Mittelalters VIII, München 3.–4. März 2006.
- "Einführung" (Introduction) at the conference Bereit zum Kon-flikt - Strategien und Medien der Konflikterzeugung und Konfliktbewälti-gung in mittelalterlichen Integrations- und Differenzierungsprozessen, 28.-30. April 2005, Greifswald. [published in 2008]
- "Wahnsinn und Melancholie: Die Welt in der Nußschale" [on madness and melancholy in the middle ages]. Wahnsinn im Mittelalter (Mittelalterzentrum der Universität Greifswald, 3 July 2002).
Conferences, lecture series, workshops
- Yes! – Zum Ulysses-Übersetzen. Workshop B8, 9. Wolfenbütteler Gespräch. Jahrestagung der Literaturübersetzer vom 15. bis 17. Juni 2012, Wolfenbüttel 16. Juni 2012.
- with Michael Bowen: Symposium Translation: Theory and Practice, Past and Present, University of Rostock, 19-21 May 2011.
- with Fritz Senn, Harald Beck, and Dirk Vanderbeke: "The same re-new: Joyces «Ulysses» deutsch erneuert" [on translating Ulysses]. Max-Geilinger-Translation workshop, Translation House Looren (Switzerland), 6–10 March 2009, in cooperation with the Zurich James-Joyce-Foundation.
- with Birte Bös: Symposium Techno Speak: Languages for Special Purposes – Past and Present, University of Rostock, 19–20 June 2009.
- with Oliver Auge, Felix Biermann & Matthias Müller: Bereit zum Konflikt - Strategien und Medien der Konflikterzeugung und Konfliktbewäl-tigung in mittelalterlichen Integrations- und Differenzierungsprozessen [on conflicts in the middle ages], Greifswald, 28–30 April 2005.
- with Lucia Kornexl: Sprache im Mittelalter [on language in the middle ages], University of Greifswald, winter term 2004–2005.
- Lukasz Polowczyk: "Sea City" (contribution for "Pattern NYC" on 13/10/2007, a performance in the context of the exhibition Lyonel Feininger. Vom Sujet zum Bild, Pommersches Landesmuseum, 19.08.–28.10.2007)
- Marchon Eyewear, Germany (various catalogues and other texts: Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Jil Sander, Diane von Furstenberg)