- (97) Identities for nonlinear memory kernels
J. Caspers and M. Krüger, arXiv 2502.10179v1 - (96) Panoscopic non-equilibrium fluctuation identity
J. Caspers, K. K. Kumar, C. Bechinger, and M. Krüger, arXiv 2502.10175v1 - (95) Advancing energy materials by in situ atomic scale methods
C. Joos, M. Seibt, M. Wenderoth, Ol. Bünermann, O. bunjes, T. Domröse, C. Eckel, F. Falorsi, C. Flathmann, M. Kolek, M. de Azagra, M. Krüger, J. Lindner, T. Meyer, C. Ropers, U. Ross, K. Rossnagel, S. S. Nair Lalithambika, S. Techert, G. A. Traeger, C. Volkert, R. T. Weitz, and A. M. Wodtke, Adv. Energy Mater. 2025, 2404280 - (94) Propulsion force and heat transfer for nonreciprocal nanoparticles
L. Henkes, K. Asheichyk, and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 111, 035441
- (93) Evaluation of the probability current in the stochastic path integral formalism
V. Wilhelm, M. Krüger, and M. Fuchs, arXiv 2411.14004
- (92)
effects in multicomponent mixtures
F. C. Thewes, M. Krüger, and P. Sollich, Europhys. Lett. 147(2), 27001 (2024) -
Forces from coarse-graining nonequilibirum degrees of freedom: exact results
I. Santra and M. Krüger, J. Stat. Mech, 123203 (2024) -
(90) Reflectors tune near-field thermal
Y. C. Hao, M. Krüger, M. Antezza, C. L. Zhou, H. L. Yi, and Y. Zhang, arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.12698 -
Nonlinear Langevin functionals for a driven probe
J. Caspers and M. Krüger, J. Chem. Phys. 161 (12), 124109 (2024)
Magnetization fluctuations and magnetic aftereffect probed via the anomalous Hall effect
N. Nabben, G. Sala, U. Nowak, M. Krüger, and S.T.B. Goennenwein, Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 043283 (2024)
(87) Accessing activity and viscoelastic properties of artificial and livingsystems from passive measurements
T. M. Muenker, G. Knotz, M. Krüger, and T. Betz, Nat. Mat. 23(9), 1-9 (2024)
(86) Scale-dependent
heat transport in dissipative media via electromagnetic
M. Krüger, K. Asheichyk, M. Kardar, R. Golestanian, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 106903 (2024) -
Heat radiation in
the presence of a cylinder
K. Asheichyk and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 109, 125412 (2024) -
(84) Mean back relaxation for position and densities
G. Knotz and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. E 110, 044137 (2024) -
Trace expressions and associated
limits for equilibrium Casimir
B. Strekha, S. Molesky, P. Chao, M. Krüger, and A. W. Rodriguez, Phys. Rev A 109, 012813 (2024) -
(82) Friction of a driven chain: Role of momentum conservation, Goldstone
and radiation modes
D. Debankur, R. Vink, M. Krüger, J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 36, 215707 (2024)
(81) Memory-induced alignment of colloidal dumbbells
K. K. Kumar, J. Caspers, F. Ginot, M. Krüger, C. Bechinger, Scientific Reports 13 (1), 17409 (2023)
80) Memory induced Magnus
X. Cao, D. Das, N. Windbacher, F. Ginot, M. Krüger, C. Bechinger, Nature Physics 19, 1904 (2023)
Pressemitteilung: Memory induced Magnus effect -
(79) Long-range
super-Planckian heat transfer between nanoemitters in a
resonant cavity
K. Asheichyk, P. Ben-Abdallah, M. Krüger, R. Messina, Phys. Rev. B 108, 155401 -
Nonequilibrium mixture dynamics: A model for mobilities and its
M. Akaberian, F. C Thewes, P. Sollich, M. Krüger, J. Chem. Phys 158 (21) -
(77) Entropy bound
for time reversal markers
G. Knotz, T. M. Muenker, T. Betz, M. Krüger Front. Phys. 11, Februar 2024 -
Composition Dependent Instabilities in Mixtures With Many Components
F. C. Thewes, M. Krüger, and P. Sollich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 058401 -
Perspectives on weak interactions in complex materials at different
length scales
J. Fiedler, K. Berland, J. W. Borchert, R. W. Corkery, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, M. M. Greve, B. Holst, K. Jacobs, M. Krüger, D. F. Parsons, C. Persson, M. Presselt, T. Reisinger, S. Scheel, F. Stienkemeier, M. Tømterud, M. Walter, R. T. Weitz, and J. Zalieckas Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 2671-2705 (2023)
How are mobility and friction related in viscoelastic fluids?
J. Caspers, N. Ditz, K.K. Kumar, F. Ginot, C. Bechinger, M. Fuchs, and M. Krüger J. Chem. Phys. 158, 024901 (2022) -
Nanoscale friction controlled by top layer thickness in
[LaMnO3]m/[SrMnO3]n superlattices
N. A. Weber, M. Lee, F. Schönewald, L. Schüler, V. Moshnyaga, M. Krüger, and C. A. Volkert arXiv:2210.09677 (2022) -
Trace Expressions and Associated Limits for Non-Equilibrium Casimir
B. Strekha, S. Molesky, P. Chao, M. Krüger, and A. W. Rodriguez Phys. Rev. A 106, 042222 (2022) -
Equilibrium forces on non-reciprocal materials
D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, N. Graham, M. Kardar, and M. Krüger Phys. Rev. B 106, 115106 (2022) -
Recoil experiments determine the eigenmodes of viscoelastic fluids
F. Ginot, J. Caspers, L. F. Reinalter, K. K. Kumar, M. Krüger, and C. Bechinger New J. Phys. 24, 123013 (2022) -
Friction on layered media: How deep do phonons
M. Lee, N. Weber, C. A. Volkert, and M. Krüger, EPL 142 (4) 46001 (2023) -
Radiative heat transfer with a cylindrical waveguide decays
logarithmically slow
K. Ascheichyk and M. Krüger Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 170605 (2022) -
Barrier crossing in a viscoelastic bath
F. Ginot, J. Caspers, M. Krüger, C. Bechinger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 028001 (2022)
Noncontact friction: The role of phonon damping and its
M. Lee, RLC Vink, CA Volkert, M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 104, 174309 (2021) -
Micro-rheology of a particle in a nonlinear bath: Stochastic
Prandtl-Tomlinson model
R. Jain, F. Ginot, M. Krüger, Physics of Fluids 33, 103101 (2021) -
Brownian systems perturbed by mild shear: comparing response relations
K. Asheichyk, M. Fuchs, M. Krüger, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 405101 (2021) -
Two step micro-rheological behavior in a viscoelastic fluid
R. Jain, F. Ginot, J. Berner, C. Bechinger, M. Krüger, J. Chem. Phys. 154, 184904 (2021) -
A thermodynamic nonlinear response relation
T. Holsten and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. E 103, 032116 (2021) -
Near field propulsion forces from nonreciprocal media
D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, N. Graham, M. Kardar, M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 170401 (2021)
Perspective on some recent and future developments in Casimir
Lilia M. Woods, Matthias Krüger, and Victor D. Donodov, Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(1), 293 (2020) -
Polaronic Contributions to Friction in a Manganite Thin Film
Niklas A. Weber, Hendrik Schmidt, Tim Sievert, Christian Jooss, Friedrich Güthoff, Vasily Moshneaga, Konrad Samwer, Matthias Krüger, Cynthia A. Volkert, Adv. Sci. 8, 2003524 (2021) -
Coarse-grained Second Order Response Theory
F. Müller, U. Basu, P. Sollich, M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043123 (2020) -
Rheology of colloidal and metallic glass formers
T. Voigtmann, M. Siebenbürger, CP Amann, SU Egelhaaf, S. Fritschi, M. Krüger, M. Laurati, KJ Mutch, KH Samwer, Colloid and Polymer Science 298 (2020) -
Spatially resolved atomic-scale friction: Theory and Simulation
M. Lee, R. Vink, M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 101, 235426 (2020) -
Activated diffusiophoresis
Ch. M. Rohwer, M. Kardar, M. Krüger, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 084109 (2020) -
Properties of a nonlinear bath: Experiments, theory, and a stochastic
Prandtl-Tomlinson model
B. Müller, J. Berner, C. Bechinger, M. Krüger, New Journal of Physics 22, 023014 (2020)
Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for non-conservative forces
K. Asheichyk, M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. Research 1 , 033151 (2019) -
Response of active Brownian particles to shear flow
K. Asheichyk, A. Solon, CM Rohwer, and M. Krüger, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 144111 (2019) -
Correlations and forces in sheared fluids with or without quenching
CM Rohwer, A. Maciolek, S. Dietrich, and M. Krüger, New Journal of Physics 21, 073029 (2019)
Heat radiation and transfer in confinement
K. Asheichyk and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 98, 195401 (2018) -
Extrapolation to nonequilibrium from coarse grained response theory
U. Basu, L. Helden and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 180604 (2018) -
Nonequilibrium forces following quenches in active and thermal matter
CM Rohwer, A. Solon, M. Kardar and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. E 97, 032125 (2018) -
Oscillating Modes of Driven Colloids in Overdamped Systems
J. Berner, B. Müller, JR Gomez Solano, M. Krüger and C. Bechinger, Nat. Comm. 9, 999 (2018) -
Stresses in non-equilibrium fluids: Exact formulation and coarse
grained theory
M. Krüger, A. Solon, V. Démery, CM Rohwer and DS Dean, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 084503 (2018)
Fluctuational electrodynamics for nonlinear materials in and out of
thermal equilibrium
H. Soo and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 97, 045412 (2017) -
Heat radiation and transfer for point particles in arbitrary
K. Asheichyk, B. Müller and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 96, 155402 (2017) -
Non-equilibrium Fluctuational Quantum Electrodynamics: Heat Radiation,
Heat Transfer, and Force
G. Bimonte, T. Emig, M. Kardar and M. Krüger, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 8, 119 (2017) -
Viscosity of a sheared correlated (near-critical) model fluid in
CM Rohwer, A. Gambassi and M. Krüger, J. Phys .: Condens. Matter 29, 335101 (2017) -
A Gaussian theory for fluctuations in simple liquids
M. Krüger and DS Dean, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 134507 (2017), and arXiv: 1701.07649 -
Particles with nonlinear electric response: Suppressing van der Waals
forces by an external field
H. Soo, DS Dean and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. E 95, 012151 (2017) -
Transient Casimir forces from quenches in thermal and active matter
CM Rohwer, M. Kardar and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 015702 (2017)
The modified Langevin description for probes in a nonlinear medium
M. Krüger and C. Maes, J. Phys .: Condens. Matter 29, 064004 (2017)
Special issue emerging leaders -
Many body heat radiation and heat transfer in the presence of a
non-absorbing background medium
Boris Müller, Roberta Incardone, Mauro Antezza, Thorsten Emig, and Matthias Krüger, Phys. Rev. B 95, 085413 (2017) and arXiv: 1610.08091 -
Measurement of second-order response without perturbation
L. Helden, U. Basu, M. Krüger and C. Bechinger, Europhys. Lett. 116, 60003 (2017) and arXiv: 1609.05032
Selected for Editor's Choice -
Non-equilibrium relations for bounded rational decision-making in
changing environments
J. Grau-Moya, M. Krüger and DA Braun, Entropy 20, 1 (2018); doi: 10.3390 / e20010001 -
Fluctuational electrodynamics for nonlinear media
H. Soo and M. Krüger, Europhys. Lett. 115, 41002 (2016), arXiv: 1604.05568
Selected for Editor's Choice, see also EPL Highlights 2016 -
Anisotropic particles near surfaces: Propulsion force and friction
B. Müller and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. A 93, 032511 (2016), and arXiv: 1510.08376 -
Flight of a heavy particle nonlinearly coupled to a quantum bath
MF Maghrebi, M. Krüger and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. B 93, 014309 (2016), and arXiv: 1508.00582 -
Driven colloidal fluids: Construction of dynamical density functional
theories from exactly solvable limits
A. Scacchi, M. Krüger and JM Brader, J. Phys .: Cond. Frosted. 28, 244023 (2016) (invited article)
Frenetic aspects of second order response
U. Basu, M. Krüger, A. Lazarescu and C. Maes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 6653 (2015), DOI: 10.1039 / C4CP04977B and arXiv: 1410.7450 -
Theory of Rheology in Confinement
AA Aerov and M. Krüger, Phys. Rev. E 92, 042301 (2015) and arXiv: 1412.4048
Heat transfer between anisotropic nanopartricles: enhancement and
R. Incardone, T. Emig and M. Krüger, Europhys. Lett. 106, 41001 (2014) -
Driven colloidal suspensions in confinement and density functional
theory: Microstructure and wall-slip
AA Aerov and M. Krüger, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 094701 (2014)
Linear response relations in fluctuational electrodynamics
VA Golyk, M. Krüger and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. B 88, 155117 (2013) -
Interplay of roughness / modulation and curvature for surface
interactions at proximity
M. Krüger, VA Golyk, G. Bimonte and M. Kardar, Europhys. Lett. 104 , 41001 (2013) -
Residual Stresses in Glasses
M. Ballauff, JM Brader, SU Egelhaaf, M. Fuchs, J. Horbach, N. Koumakis, M. Krüger, M. Laurati, KJ Mutch, G. Petekidis, M. Siebenbürger, Th. Voigtmann, J. Zausch, Phys . Rev. Lett. 110, 215701 (2013)
Selected for a Focus in Physics -
Stress-strain relations in bulk metallic glasses and colloidal
CP Amann, M. Ballauff, SU Egelhaaf, S. Fritschi, M. Fuchs, M. Krüger, M. Laurati, KJ Mutch, K. Samwer, M. Siebenbürger, Th. Voigtmann, F. Weysser, arXiv: 1302.2030 -
Overshoots in stress-strain curves: Colloid experiments and schematic
mode coupling theory
CP Amann, M. Siebenbürger, M. Krüger, F. Weysser, M. Ballauff, and M. Fuchs, J. Rheol. 57, 149 (2013) -
Small distance expansion for radiative heat transfer between curved
VA Golyk, M. Krüger, AP McCauley and M. Kardar, Europhys. Lett. 101, 34002 (2013)
Microfluidic mobility of single (DNA-grafted) colloids in dilute DNA
O. Ueberschär, M. Krüger, C. Gutsche, T. Stangner, C. Wagner, K. Kühne and F. Kremer, Polymer 53, 5760 (2012) -
Trace formulas for nonequilibrium Casimir interactions, heat radiation
and heat transfer for arbitrary objects
M. Krüger, G. Bimonte, T. Emig and M. Kardar, Phys Rev. B 86, 115423 (2012) and arXiv: 1207.0374 -
Casimir forces between cylinders at different temperatures
VA Golyk, M. Krüger, MTH Reid and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. D 85, 065011 (2012) and arXiv: 1202.1167 -
Heat radiation from long cylindrical objects
VA Golyk, M. Krüger and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. E 85, 046603 (2012) and arXiv: 1109.1769 -
Modeling near-field radiative heat transfer from sharp objects using a
general three-dimensional numerical scattering technique
AP McCauley, MTH Reid, M. Krüger and SG Johnson, Phys. Rev. B 85, 165104 (2012)
Controlling colloidal sedimentation using time dependent shear
M. Kruger and JM Brader, Europhys. Lett. 96, 68006 (2011) and arXiv: 1109.2182 -
Dilution and resonance enhanced repulsion in non-equilibrium
fluctuation forces
G. Bimonte, T. Emig, M. Krüger and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. A 84, 042503 (2011) -
Non-equilibrium Casimir forces: Spheres and sphere-plate
M. Krüger, T. Emig, G. Bimonte and M. Kardar, Europhys. Lett. 95, 21002 (2011) -
Tagged-particle motion in glassy systems under shear: Comparison of
mode coupling theory and Brownian Dynamics simulations
M. Krüger, F. Weysser and M. Fuchs, Eur. Phys. J. E 34, 88 (2011) and arXiv: 1107.1175 -
Non-equilibrium electromagnetic fluctuations: Heat transfer and
M. Krüger, T. Emig and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 210404 (2011) -
Density profiles of a colloidal liquid at a wall under shear flow
M Brader and M. Kruger, Mol. Phys. 109, 1029 (2011) -
Dynamics of dilute colloidal suspensions in modulated potentials
C. Dalle-Ferrier, M. Krüger, RDL Hanes, S. Walta, MC Jenkins and SU Egelhaaf, Soft Matter 7, 2064 (2011)
Non-Equilibrium Relation between Mobility and Diffusivity of
Interacting Brownian Particles under Shear
M. Krüger and M. Fuchs, Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 184 , 172 (2010) -
From equilibrium to steady-state dynamics after switch-on of shear
M. Krüger, F. Weysser and T. Voigtmann, Phys. Rev. E 81, 061501 (2010) -
Nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations of interacting
Brownian particles driven by shear
M. Krüger and M. Fuchs, Phys. Rev. E 81, 011408 (2010)
Diffusion of a sphere in a dilute solution of polymer coils
M. Krüger and M. Rauscher, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 094902 (2009) -
Fluctuation Dissipation Relations in Stationary States of Interacting
Brownian Particles under Shear
M. Krüger and M. Fuchs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 135701 (2009)
Colloids dragged through a polymer solution: experiment, theory and
C. Gutsche, F. Kremer, M. Krüger, M. Rauscher, R. Weeber, J. Harting, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 084902 (2008)
A dynamic density functional theory for particles in a flowing solvent
M. Rauscher, A. Dominguez, M. Krüger and F. Penna, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 244906 (2007) -
Colloid-colloid and colloid-wall interactions in driven suspensions
M. Krüger and M. Rauscher, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 034905 (2007)
Properties of Non-Equilibrium States: Dense Colloidal Suspensions under
Steady Shearing
Doctoral thesis, University of Konstanz 2009
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Density distribution in suspensions on colloidal particles
Diploma thesis, University of Stuttgart 2006