Registration is now open until 16.05.2025! Registration for Women's Careers and Networks Symposium 2025WoCaNet 2025 will take place on 4-5th June 2025 at the MPI-NAT, Göttingen. The symposium (talks and career fair) take place on 5th June. The registration fee is based on the solidarity principle and is between 10 and 15 EUR at your own discretion. In case your participation for WoCaNet25 fails due to the registration fee, please contact us at and we will find a solution together. We will end the evening of the symposium day with a joint networking event. Please register for this additionally (fee 5 EUR). On 4th June, workshops will be held in parallel (see program). Workshop fees range from 5 EUR to 10 EUR, depending on the workshop selected. The principle is first come first serve. Important: It will not be possible to reimburse your symposium fees in case you cannot attend! Policy on photography: Pictures taken during the symposium may be used later for public relations and documentary purposes, in online and print media. By participating in the event you are providing consent for your picture to be used in these publications.Personal informationTitleBitte wählenProf.Dr. Family name *Given name *Email address *GenderBitte wählenfemalemalenon-binaryotherAre there any accessibility or inclusivity considerations that the organising team should be aware of? Current employment: I am a... *Bitte wählenstudentdoctoral studentpostdocprofessorother (please specify)If other, please specify:Institution (e.g. Göttingen University, UMG, MPI-NAT, DPZ)Registration WoCaNet Symposium (5th June)I wish to take part in the... symposium (registration fee: 10 to 15 EUR)Registration WoCaNet Networking Event (5th June)I wish to attend the networking event (registration fee: 5 EUR) yes noRegistration WoCaNet Workshops (4th June)I wish to take part in the following workshop(s): "Women Empowerment" (registration fee: 10 EUR, full day) "Unconscious Bias" (registration fee: 5 EUR, half day) "Healthy Time Management" (registration fee: 5 EUR, half day)Dietary requirements (Symposium & Networking Event)I would like the following dietary requirementsBitte wählenVegetarianVeganother (pleace specify)If other, please specify:Child careWe will try to provide child care on both days of the symposium. However, this depends on how many children are registered. We will contact you directly by e-mail for a final confirmation. I require child care No Yes, but only at the workshop day (4th June) Yes, but only at the symposium day (5th June) Yes, both days (4th & 5th June)How many children will attend the child care:The age of the children are:The children have these allergies:Other important information to know about the children:General informationI have attended WoCaNet before. yes noI have heard about WoCaNet 2025 from: Friends/colleagues Institute/Department Internet Social media other (pleace specify)If other, please specify:Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars bestätigen Sie, dass Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung gelesen haben und akzeptieren.* PflichtfeldIf you have any questions please contact us via ✉