Wir bitten um Entschuldigung
Program Support
GAUSS is offering a range of opportunities to support doctoral program activities as for example retreats, symposia and excursions. Funding decisions are made by the GAUSS Managing Board.
The different doctoral programs can apply for financial support for PhD retreats. The amount of available funding is scaled to the number of doctoral candidates attending the retreat:
- 15 – 30 participants: 2,000 €
- 30 – 50 participants: 3,000 €
It can be used for accommodation and transport to an appropriate venue. The retreat is usually organized by the doctoral students, coordinated with and approved by the program committee. Both the head and the student representative of the program should apply for funding together including the expected number of participants, date, venue and estimated costs.
If you require support in planning the retreat especially for agenda related questions, please contact and submit the application to the GAUSS Office.
Symposia & Excursions
GAUSS is supporting scientific symposia usually organized by doctoral candidates. Travel funds and additional costs of the symposia (e.g. printing costs for advertisement) are available on request (up to 2,000 € every two years per program).
Career relevant excursions (e.g. to potential future employers or with scientific content) can be supported with up to 1,500 € per program and year.
Please include in your funding application details on the planned event (target group, date, size, venue, organizers) as well as a budget plan and submit it to the GAUSS Office.