Principle Investigators
- Tanya Behne ◌ Developmental Psychology
- Julia Fischer ◌ Cognitive Ethology, DPZ
- Stefanie Keupp ◌ Cognitive Ethology, DPZ
- Nivedita Mani ◌ Psychology of Language
- Julia Ostner ◌ Behavioral Ecology
- Lars Penke ◌ Biological Personality Psychology
- Hannes Rakoczy ◌ Developmental Psychology
- Annekathrin Schacht ◌ Affective Neuroscience and Psychophysiology
- Oliver Schülke ◌ Behavioral Ecology
- Stefan Schulz-Hardt ◌ Economic and Social Psychology
- Thomas Schultze-Gerlach ◌ Economic and Social Psychology
- Markus Steinbach ◌ German Philology, CRC Text "Structures"
- Dietmar Zinner ◌ Cognitive Ethology, DPZ
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