Smart Mobility Research Group (SMRG)
At our Smart Mobility Research Group (SMRG), we're not just observers of this exciting evolution - we're active participants, shaping the way we move through innovative research and collaboration. Led by Mathias Willnat, our interdisciplinary team, with expertise ranging from business information systems to data science, is at the forefront of exploring new frontiers in mobility. For example, we are exploring the potential of augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) to transform our travel experience, investigating the dynamics of emerging trends such as bike-sharing, and striving to improve road safety through intelligent solutions. Our passion for mobility is not just about technology, but also about inspiring a shift toward more sustainable behaviors. Join us on this exciting journey to a smarter, greener future.
Mathias Willnat
Welcome to the future of mobility, where technology and sustainability intersect to create a world of smart, efficient, and eco-friendly transportation
Head of Smart Mobility Research Group (SMRG)
Selection of our SMRG project portfolio

The project objective is to conduct a feasibility study for a novel software-based information system that identifies neuralgic traffic points. A harmonized data pool of traffic flow...
The Austrian-German joint research project D-TRAS investigates the feasibility of combining vehicle sensor data with safety-relevant data to innovate the prediction of traffic risks.
Mobility Makers
With this project, we aim to create user-centred mobility mixes through better understanding users’ needs and incentivising them to change their mobility practices...
The main objective of the FRESH-project is to bundle the battery capacities of a closed transport system with a fleet of heavy-duty vehicles to form…
MehrCore competences and fields of application of the SMRG
Our Smart Mobility Research Group (SMRG) is a hub of innovative thinking and practical application in the realm of smart mobility. Our core competencies lie in the development, evaluation, and implementation of cutting-edge technologies and concepts that are shaping the future of transportation. We delve into the intricacies of shared mobility, exploring its potential to revolutionize urban landscapes and reduce carbon footprints. Our research extends into the realm of augmented and virtual reality, exploring their transformative potential to improve the user experience and safety of mobility.We're also keenly interested in the role of information systems (IS) in promoting sustainable mobility behaviors, a critical aspect of our forward-looking research. Our work is underpinned by the application of advanced analytical tools such as data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, which enable us to derive actionable insights and develop innovative mobility platforms.
Looking to the future, we're excited about the possibilities of other topics such as
- autonomous vehicles,
- digital twins,
- smart cities,
- smart infrastructure,
- and the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) into mobility,
and we're eager to explore these areas. Through our interdisciplinary approach, we aim to foster a vibrant exchange of knowledge that benefits the scientific community, industry, and society at large.
Research projects
Present- Mobility Makers (MM)
- KI_IDENT: Machbarkeitsstudie zur KI-gestützten Identifikation von neuralgischen Punkten in Verkehrsnetzen basierend auf Verkehrsflussdaten von Versorgungsverkehren
- D-TRAS - Digital Platform for Traffic Safety-Risk Prediction in Rural Areas
- DSGVO - easyInfo: Evaluation of a standardized information sheet to increase the awareness of affected individuals in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
- How to Survive a Crisis: Understanding how Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Adapted their Business Models to be Resilient during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Etablierung einer grünen Wasserstoffwertschöpfungskette für den Mobilitätssektor (WIR! – ViridisH2 Südniedersachsen)
- Mobilitäts-App für Neuzugewanderte (MAZ)
- Flexibilitätsmanagement und Regelenergiebereitstellung von Schwerlastfahrzeugen im Hafen (FRESH)
- Aufbau eines nachhaltigen Pedelec-Sharing-Systems für kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen (PedShare)
- Cooperative Connected Intelligent Vehicles for Safe and Efficient Road Transport (COSAFE)
- Mobility Opportunities Valuable to Everybody (MOVE)
- Explainable AI Methods for Human Centric RIDEshaRing (EC-RIDER)
- Feasibility study of electro mobility in city bus transport Göttingen
- Battery Electric Heavy Goods Vehicles in Intelligent Container Terminal Operation (BESIC)
Excerpt of research papers
- Willnat, M.; Borchers, L.; Lembcke, T.-B.; Kolbe, L. (2024): Planning factors in municipal bikesharing network design: A qualitative study. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 27, 101190.
- Lembcke, T.-B.; Herrenkind, B.; Nastjuk, I.; Brendel, A.B. (2021): Promoting Business Trip Ridesharing with Green Information Systems: A Blended Environment Perspective. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - Special Issue "Shared mobility and environment" [VHB: B]
- Harnischmacher, C.; Masuch, K.; Reschke, F.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2021): (I Can’t Get No) Electrification – A Qualitative-Empirical Study on Electrification of Transportation Fleets, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, USA. [VHB: A]
- Willnat, M.; Lembcke, T.-B.; Harnischmacher, C.; Prinz, C.; Klumpp, M. (2021): How Far are You Gonna Go? Understanding Pedestrian Catchment Areas in Shared Mobility Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, USA. [VHB 3: A]
- Harnischmacher, C.; Bührke, J.; Herrenkind, Bernd; Nastjuk, I.; and Jung, E. (2021): Accepting Shared Autonomous Vehicles – An Industry Expert View, Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). [VHB: C]
- Prinz, C.; Lichtenberg, S.; Willnat, M., Brendel AB (2021): CASSI: Design of a Simulation Environment for Vehicle Relocation in Carsharing. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 13(1), pp. 12-36
- Brendel AB, Lembcke T-B, Muntermann J, Kolbe LM. Toward replication study types for design science research. Journal of Information Technology. April 2021. pp. 1-18, [VHB 3: A]
- Herrenkind, B.; Nastjuk, I.; Brendel, A.B.; Trang, S.; Kolbe, L.M. (2019): Young People’s Travel Behavior – Using the Life-Oriented Approach to Understand the Acceptance of Autonomous Driving, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - Special Issue “Young People’s Behavior”. [VHB: B]
- Greve, M.; Harnischmacher, C.; Lichtenberg, S.; Kolbe, L.M. (2019): Smart Grid in Container Terminals – Systematization of Cost Drivers for Using Battery Capacities of Electric Transport Vehicles for Grid Stability, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Mexico.[VHB 3: D]
- Brendel, A.B.; Brennecke, J.T.; Nastjuk, I. (2018): Applying Econophysics in the Context of Carsharing - Development of a Vehicle Relocation Algorithm and Decision Support System, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, pp. 1-17.
- Brendel, A. B.; Brennecke, J. T.; Zapadka, P.; Kolbe, L. M. (2017): A Decision Support System for Computation of Carsharing Pricing Areas and its Influence on Vehicle Distribution, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), South Korea [VHB: A]
Universität GöttingenProfessur für Informationsmanagement
Smart Mobility Research Group
Mathias Willnat
MZG 8th Floor
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
+49 (0)551 / 39-21176